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Fraud & Forensic Investigations is Oklahoma's largest privately held firm focused on fraud investigation and forensic evaluations. We design, manage and produce extraordinary solutions in critical corporate and judicial environments, providing clear insight, control and reporting for:

• Fraud investigations
• Forensic examinations
• Litigation support
• Re-creation of books & records

• Fairness considerations
• Enterprise valuation
• Data security & recovery


The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners recently estimated American businesses lose as much as $600 billion a year through fraud. Past experience has shown when the suspicion or experience of fraud arises, it is essential to quickly bring professionals into the environment to clarify allegations. The process of recovering losses & preventing future incidents is most effective when begun early.

 While FFI hopes you never need our services,
please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.



The service we provide our clients exceeds acceptable levels of care, due diligence and thoroughness. Our professionals follow ethical guidelines mandated by our memberships in several professional organization, including those shown below.

Firm members regularly attend training and continuing education courses in their specific fields to remain in good standing within their professional associations and to keep abreast of changes affecting the broad range of services we offer.

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American College of Forensic Examiners

National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Turnaround Management Association

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners




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Copyright © Fraud & Forensic Investigations, all rights reserved.

Oklahoma City: 210 Park Avenue, Suite 2920; OKC, OK 73102;
Ph: 405-230-1920, Fax 405-232-2262

Tulsa: 401 South Boston, Suite 2200; Tulsa, OK 74103; Ph: 918-582-1130, Fax 918-582-7070