Valuation assessments play an integral role in a broad range of cases including: determining the change in value of assets related to the disruption of business, solvency and insolvency, partner disputes, and divorce.
Valuation also has several purposes that affect nearly every business owner, some of these include: buy/sale agreements, mergers and acquisitions, tax planning and fairness opinions.
Determining the value of an enterprise requires a careful analysis of historical financial statements, tangible assets such as real estate and machinery, as well as various intangible assets such as business goodwill, trademarks, and customer lists. Quite often, enterprises have value in excess of their tangible assets.


Above all, the essential quality a FFI valuation has is our commitment to objectivity and fairness. A valuation which is too high or too low works against both sides of an issue by eroding trust. FFI's valuations are backed by education, training and experience, knowledge and competence as recognized by the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts.
By adhering to each association's standards, we assure our clients the service we provide will meet and exceed acceptable levels of care, due diligence, thoroughness, and ethical guidelines.

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Oklahoma City:
210 Park Avenue, Suite 2920; OKC, OK 73102; Ph: 405-230-1920, Fax 405-232-2262
Tulsa: 401 South Boston, Suite 2200; Tulsa, OK 74103; Ph: 918-582-1130, Fax 918-582-7070